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Monday, January 16, 2012

Crunches and Sit-Ups. Do we really have to go to all that trouble?

  • Crunches are the basis of any workout program, right?

Crunches, Sit-Ups or Abdominal Roll-Ups are at the root of many workout programs today. Researchers, however, have recently determined that the traditional crunch puts extra load on the spine, potentially creating back problems, increasing the risk of injury on your discs. As the time goes on, the discs in your spine eventually herniate. It may go against everything you’ve learned when it comes to abdominal exercises. Read Stuart McGill (1988), if you want to know more.

Also, for some people who are at risk of Pelvic Floor problems, Crunches and Sit- Ups place pressure down on the Pelvic Floor. As the time goes on, leakage may occur because the pelvic floor muscles become weak.

  •  But abdominals are made to flex the trunk, aren’t they?
Looking at the functional anatomy of the lumbar spine, it does not allow much movement. The joints were more built for stability than for mobility. Regarding your abdominal muscles, they function to “stabilize your spine, maintain optimal alignment and movement relationships between the pelvis and the spine and prevent excessive stress and compensatory motions of the pelvis during movements of the extremities” (Sarmann, 1969) . Then, they are not mainly responsible to flex your trunk, even if they are quite useful when you get out of bed, get up from a couch or if you play a sport that require strength in flexing the trunk. All that means that I now try my best to make intelligent choices when it comes to strengthen the core. That’s my approach. Safety first. Respect the body and what it has been designed for.

  • So, is there anything to do to strengthen my mid – section in a safe way?
Planks and Advanced Plank Positions, Core Rows, Cable Chops, Stability Ball Roll-Outs, Standing Medicine Ball or Barbell Anti-Rotation Exercises, Medicine Ball Slams are great exercises! There are plenty of stuff to do. 

Please ask me about your training program, I can review it and tell you what to do. As a Fitness Professional, I can help you online !

  • What are the instructions regarding the technique? 

“Hollow out your abs, push your spine to the floor, brace your abs !” The act of drawing the belly button to backbone has been advocated to turn on the core and stabilise the spine. I used to say these words… but I don’t do anymore!. I now recommend people to stay tall, elongate the spine and neck. Keep neutral spine.  If you keep pulling your navel towards the spine all the day long, your organs might suffer from a lack of movement. Breathing through your belly and allowing your belly to relax is important. It acts lack a massage for your organs and it’s healthier.

According to, to work well, the core muscles need to be flexible and contract and relax. Constant bracing can lead to stiffness. Leakage may occur because the pelvic floor muscles are weak, but can also occur because people have been bracing the core too much and have made the muscles stiff.

  • If I don’t do any crunches, how can I lose fat on my tummy?
Let’s address the myth of spot-reduction. If you do thousands of biceps curls, you believe your biceps will get bigger. And if you do thousands of crunches, you believe your tummy will get smaller. It doesn’t make sense. I’m sure you agree! However, that’s the “classic gym logic”.

If you want to reveal your six-pack, your goal is to improve body composition and decrease body fat percentage (for women, below 20% is a healthy goal to reveal a nice mid – section) The first place to look for improved body composition is in your kitchen. Proper nutrition is of paramount importance in effecting your waistline. 

Then, regarding your training, forget the Sit-Ups. It’s just a waist of time. The most potently results-oriented exercise is interval training. Study after study shows that interval training is superior to steady-state cardio exercise in terms fat burning. In addition, full-body resistance training is necessary to increase the fat-burning hormones testosterone and growth hormone (HGH). 

As a Personal Trainer, I can have a look at your program and tell you if it will maximize your chances to get results. Find me on

“You have learned something.  That always feels at first as if you had lost something” H.G. Wells

Happy New Year !


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