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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Get Well with the Magic of Foam Rollers!

Wellbeing, Pain Reduction, Injury Prevention, Flexibility Improvement, Neuromuscular Efficiency, Performance Enhancement and Maximization of Recovery Time are all the benefits you can get from this simple piece of foam!

  • What is a Foam Roller?

A Foam Roller looks like a pool noodle but it is more dense and larger in diameter. I am sure you have seen one of them in your gym facilities.
  • What is it for?

Foam Rollers are the poor man’s massage therapists. They help to release tension in the myofascial system (Made up of muscle and fascia, fascia being a connective tissue that surrounds muscles). In other words, it helps to decrease density and over activity on tender areas, knots or trigger points.

The technique used with a Foam Roller is called Soft tissue Therapy, or soft Tissue Mobilization. Chiropractors use the name Active Release Therapy. Massage therapists call it Deep Tissue Work. Physical Therapist Mike Clarke called it Self-Myofascial Release.

  • Are there any contraindications?

- Foam rolling should be used with discretion if you have very little muscle density. Foam rolling should never cause bruising!
Foam Rolling should be avoided for very weak or overweight people as the arms are involved in moving the body. It could be hard work in those cases, and it’s not meant to be hard! 
- If you are pregnant, specific precautions must me taken. Make sure your Personal Trainer updates their knowledge about this topic.
- Don’t use it if you have Osteoporosis, because your bones are fragile and brittle.

  • When do you use it?

There is no strict rule or universal agreement over this question.
You can use it on a daily basis, at anytime!
If you don’t have much time, Self -Massage with a Foam Roller provides great benefits both before your workout and one-day post workout:
- Used before your workout as a component of your warm-up, it will decrease muscle density (or loosen up your fascia and muscles) and allow for a feeling of wellbeing and performance enhancement during your workout.
- Used first thing in the morning the day after, it will help you recover faster. If you are in situation of acute pain, use it several times per day.

  • How do you massage your own body with a Foam Roller ?

Get a Foam Roller, and use your bodyweight to apply pressure to sore spots.
As you roll, you will be able to identify those tight spots. Roll slowly at least 1 or 2 minutes until the pain lessens.
Stop Rolling and Rest for 15 - 30 seconds on the very painful areas.
It works really well on your back, glutes (bum), and thighs.

If you need further explanation and want to include a routine into your workout, please contact me !

  • What is better, massage therapy or foam roller?

Hands work much better than foam as they are connected to the brain and can feel. A foam roller doesn’t feel anything! . If cost is not an issue for you, go for a massage before every workout. Yes, it’s gonna be pretty expensive! The Foam Roller provides unlimited self-massage at a reasonable cost.

  • And what about Stretching?

Stretching has been said to reduce the risk of injury, however there is still a need for further research. One of the best coaches Michael Boyle says that stretching is much more beneficial if you roll first! Just try it and you will be astonished! Because it softens and loosens up the tissue it will facilitate the stretching.  If you ask elite athletes’ coaches, a good warm up is made up of Self – Myofascial Release, Stretching (Passive and Active) and Dynamic Movements. It seems to be the best way to prevent injury, improve flexibility and enhance performance.

Now, let's roll ! 
Have a lovely week 

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