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Thursday, December 1, 2011

No results with your training ? And yet, your lifestyle sounds healthy

I meet many people who tell me they are doing the right things : smart exercise, healthy diet, and yet they don’t get results.They don’t lose fat (especially on the stomach), they struggle to gain muscle mass, they lack of energy, their performance doesn’t improve…First thing to do is to get your training program and your diet assessed by some professionals.
Then, if you are still not getting results, ask yourself if your “Mind” is under control. Clearly, if your mind is always busy, if you lack of sleep or if you never unwind, you have an enormous chance not to reach your goals, get injured, or worse, get seriously sick (of course, it will happen to the others, not to YOU). This last thing happened to me and it took me 2 years to admit that I have been stressed-out since my childhood.
You might have a cutting-edge training program and the most appropriate diet and yet not being able to reach your goals. It means that Stress, lack of Rest, lack of Sleep make you fat and ruin your health.
It’s not a joke guys ! Everything that happens in your brain impacts your body. 

To sum up : EXERCISE and NUTRITION are pillars for Healthy Living. REST is another one.  Let’s focus on this concept and figure out what you can do, in 3 points.
1. Get adequate Passive Recovery after Exercise
Between 2 workouts, leave some time to your body to come back then exceed its original state of performance.  The recovery time will depend on your training session. It means you must give your body some time OFF. Also, working out 7 days like hell is just counterproductive. Actually, when your muscles are “attacked” (training is an attack), they react and become stronger after your workout (not during the workout) so that they will be prepared for the next “attack”. This building process takes place when you rest. This process is called “Supercompensation”.
The key to progress is to train early enough and not too late after the last session, exactly when the muscles are exceeding their original state of performance. If you train too early, the muscles are still affected by the last training session and you might keep them from strengthening. On a long term basis, overtraining will increase the risk of injuries and many other symptoms. If on the other side, you train too late or irregularly (for example, every 10 days), it is very difficult to increase your physical performance because your muscles are back to their original state. Their ability to exceed their original state doesn’t last.
2. Restore your sleep 
People forget it and deny it, but Good Sleep is a very powerful way to be happy, healthy, slim and energetic. It is like recharging your batteries. Even though it’s free, it is something really hard to achieve for many people.
You don’t sleep enough because you are too busy and stressed all day ? And you are getting even more stressed and irritable because you lack of sleep ? That’s a vicious circle.
Basically, lack of sleep or sleep disorders are stressors for your body.Your body is well designed to deal with occasional  stressors. However it doesn’t react well to continuous stress. This situation can lead to chronically elevated Cortisol.
Cortisol is an hormone. People think it’s just a toxic substance, but actuallywhen it’s under control (which is rarely the case with our Modern lifestyle), it plays in favor of our well-being.
However, if we are stressed continuously, it will contribute to fat accumulation, particularly around the abdominal area, because of the HSD activity, higher in abdominal fat cells (11 beta – hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1, enzyme deep within fat cells).
Fat Accumulation is not the only outcome of this lack of sleep. Lack of sleep, often associated with excessive stress, in the long term, can lead to serious Illnesses (adrenal Insufficiency, risk of Stroke and Inflammation, Impairment of the Immune system …)
Be mindful that the body is very good at resisting. Your body can stay 15 years without showing any pathology, so don’t wait to be seriously sick to restore your sleep
→ What can you do ? (Ready for Action ?) 
It’s more than compulsory that you do these 2 things :
  • Sleep in a DARK room. Even small light ray is enough for your brain to think it’s not time to sleep! It will not switch your body into a resting mode. Blackout Shades or eye mask can make a huge difference. Yes, sleep in a dark room is powerful enough to help you lose abdominal fat
  • Shut computer, TV and phone 1 hour before going to bed (They are stressors and elevate Cortisol levels and stress hormones) 
Then gradually follow the following rules : 
  • Avoid stimulants like coffee, tea and soda after 2 PM
  • Avoid alcohol, cigarets and recreational drugs
  • Light a few candles after the sun has declined can create a relaxing effect
  • Reading, taking a relaxing bath, or going for a relaxing walk are beneficial options before going to bed
  • Listen to a relaxing music after dinner
  • Drink a glass of Herbal Tea 1 or 2 hours before going to bed
  • Keep your bedroom cool (18 C or 65 F)
3. Control your Mind
I love the concept of being “Mindful”. We live either in the future, to plan everything, or in the past, to assess the past situations and be better in the future. But what about the present moment ? Do you live in the moment ? Are you Mindful of what’s happening right now ?
Our way of life is stressing. It’s another way to get our body into a state of chronically elevated Cortisol (meaning storing fat and feel lethargic all day long …)
Learning to enjoy every moment of life, good or bad, is a great thing to preserve your health, lose fat and improve your quality of life.
→ What can you do ?
  • When you feel stressed. Take 5 deep breathes in through the nose, filling the belly (not the chest) and then gently breathing through the mouth or nose. Bring your attention to the air on the way in and out of your body then go back to your activities
  • If you get anxious at night and find it hard to sleep, first, try to focus your attention on the noises outside of the room, then those inside of your room. Afterwards, focus on your feelings and sensations when lying in your bed (softness of your pillow, warmth of the quilt). This technique is called Mindful Sleeping !
  • Learn to Meditate. Meditation helps to clear your mind. As far as I’m concerned, I need it everyday !
  • Do something pleasurable for yourself each day, no matter how small
  • Notice something you are grateful for ( a gratitude list is a good idea !)
Remember that Stress can be Emotional. It includes anger, depression, fear, frustration, sadness, betrayal, bereavement. High responsibility, perfectionism, relationship pressure, financial pressure and career pressure are also sources of Emotional stress. All these things affect your physical performance and your abilities to think with clarity.
Take care guys.
Be Mindful of the importance of REST … It might be the only extra thing you need to reach your goals ! 

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